Our Thorough Storm Damage Inspection Helped This Omaha Homeowner
While the quality of your roofer matters for all roofing services, most don’t consider the inspection process when choosing the right roofer to hire. At Anchor Roofing, our team prides ourselves on our thorough storm damage inspection process, leaving no roofing component overlooked. We check each nook and cranny for signs of damage following a storm—and when the need arises, we’ll go the extra mile to look a little closer for our clients.
In today’s Project Spotlight, we’re sharing a great example of why we carry out such thorough inspections. As this project illustrates, choosing the right roofer for your inspection can make all the difference.
Background and Client: An Elkhorn Homeowner
Our client for this project was a homeowner located in the Indian Creek community in Elkhorn, just northwest of the Omaha Metro. They had not previously worked with Anchor Roofing, but after some issues with their roof, their insurance agent recommended working with us.
This home had been damaged during the summer of 2023 when a hail storm swept through the area. The storm had produced fairly large hail of about 3 or 4 inches, and while the hail stones were reportedly softer, they were certainly large enough to cause damage to this roof.
The Challenge: A Denied Insurance Claim 
Following the hail storm, this homeowner had taken steps to start the insurance claims process. They informed their provider of the damage, and an adjuster was sent out to assess. Ultimately, though, their claim was denied on the basis that the damage could not definitively be traced back to hail.
Our Solution: Looking a Little Closer
Our team was called in to complete a storm damage inspection. The hope was that our thorough process would result in the insurance company reconsidering the hail damage claim. After strategizing based on the response from the insurance company, the Anchor Roofing team set out to do some detective work on this roof.
Our storm damage inspection process is very detailed, and our team inspects every component of the roof to look for damage. In this case, though, we determined we’d need to go a step further. Our team took microscopic pictures of the hail damage to this roof to substantiate the homeowner’s claim. These pictures showed broken fibers from fiberglass within the roofing, as well as fractured padding—undeniable evidence that the roof had been damaged by hail.
The Result: A New Impact-Resistant Roof
Following the inspection, and now armed with these detailed pictures, our client resubmitted their claim and was ultimately approved. The insurance company agreed to reimburse not just a full roof replacement, but replacement windows and gutters as well.
For the new roof, the homeowner went with impact-resistant shingles to protect against future hail storms. This helped to protect the roof—and it also netted them some nice savings on their insurance premiums.
Call Anchor Roofing for Your Storm Damage Inspection
We take storm damage repair very seriously here at Anchor Roofing. For us, that starts with a thorough inspection process that fully assesses the condition of your roof, diagnoses problems, and provides concrete documentation of any damage we find.
As the storm season nears, keep Anchor Roofing in mind. And if your home is affected by hail damage, give us a call right away, or fill out our online form to book a free roof inspection!